The Conspiracy Of A Paranoid President 

Are you not entertained? Because I sure am enjoying this comedy reality show that has been going on or as I like to call it.. Season 2 of The Donald Trump show. Season One was all about the campaign and this new season, to boost ratings, is all about conspiracy theories and paranoia. 

   It is sad that our Government is now being compared to a reality show but when you have an orange haired nut job running the place …. I have no words but here’s what’s happened so far with updates. 

1. Trump made serious allegations about President Obama wiretapping him without a shred of evidence to back it up and then ordering an investigation into said allegations. Fair enough however, the investigation,as expected,proved false as nothing was found and that’s after being confirmed by the FBI Director, Obama’s Security Intelligence Director, DOJ, to name a few. That would close it and end right there… Unfortunately, Trump,never one to take no for an answer, refuses to believe that and claims that he has evidence that he says 

We have important, important stuff that we will reveal that will prove Obama is guilty.

   Great..How would you have that when no one else does? Well, according to dimwit Kelly Ann Conway

He’s the President and his privy to many things no one else has.

 Well, fine then why waste time with an investigation if you have your own proof. If you have it release it. Or does no one want to write it up?

  And he went one step further by saying that the British colluded with Obama to do that and then insulting Germany about it.. Great. Piss off 2 of our allies to convince the world how correct you are only you’re not ..

   These are serious allegations that aren’t true if only because 

No President has the authority to order any types of wiretapping whatsoever.. Only a Federal judge can but only in extreme circumstances.

It really is sad that Trump does not know the laws and feels like he can get away with anything because he’s the President which brings me to.

2. Russia and that explains the tweets that Trump is sending out because he’s trying to deflect away from that and if the Press is talking about anything other than Russia,then he can continue his business dealings with them and if you think he’s distance himself for it then you are only kidding yourself.

3. There is no question that he’s still involved in his business dealings .He just can’t or won’t and the whole press thing he did with his tax lawyer was just for show..  After all,there’s a reason why his cabinet members are all wealthy Wall Street types with no experience in politics.. Also, his tax breaks and cuts are there to benefit him and his rich buddies. 

4.You have to love the press for questioning Sean Spicer on a daily basis regarding the wiretapping and him shutting them down by bullying them because that’s what he is a bully… A patsy… Like everyone else in the administration, he’s been trained really well to be brainwashed into believing Trump’s lies 

5. Clearly the ban has been proven unconstitutional and as such unable to take effect however, Trump being Trump doesn’t agree and has filed an appeal to overturn it. But if it didn’t work the first time,what makes him think the second time will? And they will need to prove to the judge why it’s needed and possibly show proof none of which they have and I’d like to see them explain how it’s within the law when others say that it is not.

    Seriously, how much more of this nonsense must we endure before impeachment hearings begin? 

This is someone who never ceases to amaze..  He’s so convinced that the wall is needed that he’s willing to cut from every agency to get that funding.. Forget the fact that the majority of Americans are against this wall (Also, a wall already exists to which he seems clueless about), but he’s willing to put many people out of jobs to do so.

   His goal is to put the funding towards​ the military in order to protect us except the military has always been sufficiently funded…..

In short, since Mexico won’t pay and taxpayers refuse, he’s cutting to get the money and it’s only a matter of time before he blames someone for this.. Of course once the budget doesn’t pass… I think I need more popcorn..

   To summarize:

  1.  He insulted Germany,
  2.  Accused England of wiretapping collusion
  3.  Cutting every agency to fund his damn wall.
  4. Convinced that evidence for the wiretapping exists and will prove it (Good luck with that)

 Basically, if he benefits he will do it and that includes his Obama care repeal to which he decided that of Republicans don’t pass it, they won’t be elected…So now he’s making threat’s… The fact that almost everyone’s against it is irrelevant..
Anyway, with all that he’s doing he’s not Making America great again.No, if anything he’s alienating our allies, pitting us against each other, and showing us who he really is. The only question is when will the moral people in Government expose him and set in motion the wheels to remove him?


Is Trump Ignorant Or Does He Not Get It?

    As expected, the revised ban on the deportation of Muslims has been ruled unconstitutional and thus banned. First from the Judge in Hawaii and the one in Maryland followed by Washington (State not DC). But here’s the thing: Shortly after, at one of his damn rallies, he said that :

Mr. Trump called the ruling an “unprecedented judicial overreach.” At a rally in Nashville, Tennessee on Wednesday evening, he described it as “bad,” “sad” news.

“The order (Watson) blocked was a watered-down version of the first order that was also blocked by another judge, and should have never been blocked to start with,”

This man is clueless as to how our Government runs. The judges ruling in this don’t just rule because they can, they read, look at both sides, hear arguments then rule and guess what: A Muslim ban is still a ban regardless of how it’s worded. Also, you can water it down as much as you want but there are people, smart people who see right through it. 

     Mr.Trump can continue revising this ban as much as he pleases  and having it being overruled every time. As I stated previously, this violates several laws and Trump thinks it does not but this is also a man who’s convinced that Trump Tower was under surveillance by President Obama.

    The law is the law and unless the Fuhrer changes it, his obsession of kicking out Muslims will never take flight. If every country didn’t have a Constitution, then no one would be safe and for some reason, in Trump’s warped mind he’s convinced that Muslims are a threat to National Security and therefore need to depart America. This is exactly what Hitler said about the Jews and we know how that went.

    I sincerely doubt that this case will go to the Supreme Court because:

A: They won’t hear it 

B: They won’t overrule what the 9th court already ruled on 

And besides, chances are that if it goes that far they will rule the same as the other judges (And if yes, then what? What will Trump do?)

    It’s funny yet sad that if another President had done this people would be crying foul and protesting (And they have been) however, you have Trump who has brought out people’s true colors by now  supporting him and yes believing whatever he says is the truth . (Yes, this is exactly how Hitler worked his Propaganda machine and it worked really, really well).

    It just really goes to show you how people who follow Trump are ignorant people and really have decided that if you aren’t with him then you are the enemy .Case in point:

 When Rachel Maddow had Trump’s 2005 tax return all his supporters pounced on her saying she’s out to get him and trying to make him look bad. Heck, even Tucker Carlson got in on the act saying that NBC was so desperate for ratings that they will lie, cheat and steal just to get them. (Keep in mind that FOX News is a HUGE supporter of Trump).

    Now, here’s the problem where it gets puzzling:  The White House put a statement out verifying that the returns were real and accurate and then contradicted itself saying that they were illegally obtained, stolen and NBC wanted to Destroy Trump so they published without permission. Except it’s not as the Press is protected by the First Amendment and therefore have every right to publish it. Of course the White House should know this but sadly, they have been brainwashed by their leader Steve Bann… I mean Donald Trump

     I bring this up because it’s become apparent that Trump, even as President, feels that he can do whatever he wants and that he’s above the law. There’s a reason why after FDR limits were put in place for a President’s term. 

    Now, that Trump has strike two with his ban, what will he do next regarding his obsession with this ban? Put a clause in that states no one will be allowed to challenge him on it?

     Now, we move on to the budget and it’s a doozy. Slash the essential to fund the military and that damn wall that no one wants or asked for. EPA, NEA, State Department, etc, etc…. First of all, the military is very well funded and have been for years and second, Trump believes that we need to build up the armed forces to fight the bad dudes (Which apparently we haven’t been doing all this time)

   Slashing the EPA means environmental and climate disasters (although Trump thinks global warming was created by the Chinese). NEA is pretty self explanatory but all I’ll say is this: Bye Bye PBS. Of course this needs to be voted on and I hope a no is the outcome but still, in Trump’s world he believes we need to live in a militaristic state at all times. 

   Speaking of Trump’s world, remember the tweet he sent out claiming, without proof that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower to spy on him and then demanded that an investigation into it be conducted? Well, guess what: This investigation wasted time, money and resources because it was concluded that nothing was found and that there was never any surveillance done at anytime. Trump’s response? You will see some important stuff regarding it very, very soon. And what stuff is that mein fuhrer? How will you show us when no one else had anything ? Are you magically going to make evidence appear from thin air? 

   This guy needs a reality check because he just does NOT get it. 

  1. Ban: The courts have ruled it illegal and unconstitutional. TRUMP:  The judges are morons and they don’t care about America;s safety.We are right, they are wrong and we will appeal it until we get what we want. Yeah, you tried that the first time and it didn’t work .

2.   Tax Returns: They were anonymously sent to a journalist’s mailbox and revealed on Live TV but not before being verified as authentic by White House. TRUMP: It was illegally obtained. You stole it. Dishonest Media will do anything to fix bad ratings.

3. Budget Cuts: Common and needed. TRUMP: If we’re to fund the wall and make our military  stronger,we need to slash things not needed or important. People don’t go to the Opera anymore so let’s get rid of that. PBS isn’t relevant so let’s do that and Global warming is made up so let’s not fund the EPA.

4. After an investigation, there’s no evidence showing that at any point in time was Trump Tower bugged: TRUMP: You will some very important stuff about the wiretapping coming very, very soon.

Clearly, this man is living in his own world where his law is the land and everyone obeys. We have never ever experienced anything like this before. The White House is acting like it’s a Kindergarten where if they don’t get there way the throw a tantrum. Not only is this inappropriate, but it’s not professional and the world laughs us and sees what we’ve become. Not only that, he’s an embarrassment to our country and to others as well.

    But go ahead let’s keep defending him for it is us the sane people who will have the last laugh.  The (as Trump Supporters call us) Liberals who are spreading the “truth”and telling it like it is and the supporters who are calling us out on it asking us to stop he lies and hate. It is those supporters that tell us that we have no clue what we are talking about. 

  I am not a liberal. I am me. I do not like what this country is becoming and furthermore, I am ashamed and embarrassed to be an American.We have someone who could care less about us and only became President to benefit himself and his wealthy friends.

     A President should not be using his personal twitter account for obvious reasons and he’s been asked not to do so. Also, he hasn’t exactly divested himself of his business for if he had  he would no longer be an executive producer of The Apprentice  for which he is being paid for.

     Be a President and DO YOUR JOB. If you can’t, then resign because we want a President who isn’t a pathological liar, racist , bigot, unethical or someone without any morals. We also want someone who plays by the rules, knows the laws (and follows them) and most important has America’s best interests in mind. Someone who doesn’t try to suppress the media or have their staff making up “facts”. 

The United States of America was founded on the basis of Freedom and Liberty both of which is slowly being taken from us.





Donald’s Tax Returns

Last night something extraordinary happened. Something so stupendous that everyone dropped what they were doing to take a gander. And what pray tell happened? Nutjob Trump’s 2005 taxes were “leaked” to the public via Rachel Maddow who “premiered it on her show dissecting it in full which you can see here:  Trump’s Tax Returns and see it below:taxes

In my last post, l mentioned how a President needs to know the laws of this country and be versed in the Constitution. Well, last night the White House released a statement verifying that the tax return was legit and then decided to do a 180 by saying that the dishonest media illegally obtained the returns and shared it. They went on to say that by doing so a crime was committed. But according to the First Amendment,  a journalist has every right to publish them as they see fit.

Second, there’s no law that says a person CANNOT release their taxes while under an audit . The IRS even said that but at this point we all know why he won’t release because he has things he’d rather keep hidden. And by the way, every single President (after Nixon) released their returns. Not only that, Hillary released hers during the campaign going all the way back  to 1971. However, this is a fairly new law as (once again) Nixon’s actions caused a candidate to release them so there’s no conflicts of interests and/or anything that might prevent them from becoming a President.

Donald Trump doesn’t care about the American people. He became President to benefit himself and his friends. (even though Trump isn’t running the country ). If he hears something he doesn’t like, this is how it plays out:


Media Reports On SOmething He Doesn’t Like: TRUMP: FAKE NEWS. DISHONEST.


I have never seen a President act like a child who throws  tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants. Seriously? This man is a disgrace and is making America look bad. He obviously has no idea how Government works nor does he seem to care.

I hope that loyal Trump supporters wake up and see this man for who he really is which is a FRAUD. A FRAUD and a BULLY. Because instead of Making America Great Again he’s Making America Hate Again and that cannot stand because we saw what happened the last time that happened and sadly, it’s slowly happening again and if Presidents Bannon and Trump (Yes I said it ) don’t return to reality, then we are all doomed.





If It’s Not A Muslim Ban Then What Is It?

Later this week, the revised travel ban takes effect with a little bit of a difference now mainly that Iraq has been removed as well as Green card holders to name a few which just leaves the original named areas on the list. All of these countries names are predominantly Muslim. What this means is that if you are a Muslim leaving in America, or vice versa, you will be deported and you will be banned from flying into the US.

So to recap: Muslims get deported because according to Trump they are all bad dudes who want to destroy our country by committing terrorist acts. However, this is not a true statement because that’s like saying an Arab Israeli (Or Israeli Arab) wants to kill Israelis and/or Jews or that a black man wants to kill the White Man.

There’s a saying ” Every Muslim is a terrorist but not all Muslims are terrorists” which is true. ISIS is a terrorist group but not all of it’s members (If that’s what you call them) are muslims. In fact, ISIS contains people from Canada, America, France, etc, etc…. So to come out and say that we are deporting all Muslims because they are terrorists is inaccurate, wrong , stereotyped and racist.

So, people are saying that it is not a Muslim ban to which I ask: If it’s not what is it? Well, depending on who you ask most will say that it is a travel ban even though it is a totally inaccurate description. How can it be a travel ban and not a Muslim Ban when clearly it targets them?

Perhaps the Trump Administration isn’t smart enough to understand the definitions so let me explain it:

TRAVEL BAN= A ban where no one is allowed to travel to a specific place. For example: CUBA which has been off limits for 50 years . The only way you were allowed to go was by obtaining permission from the State Department.

MUSLIM BAN= Denying a specific race all rights and privileges and the freedom allowed to them via due process.

So saying it’s NOT a Muslim ban is like saying someone doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong.

The administration revised it because the last one was “frozen” by the courts when most ruled it unconstitutional. Well, guess what? So is this one and here’s why:

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

And this:

The right to choose a religion (or no religion) without interference by the government.

   It’s why England created the idea of the separation of Church and State. Because:

The principle that government must maintain an attitude of neutrality toward religion. Many view separation of church and state as required by the First Amendment. The First Amendment not only allows citizens the freedom to practice any religion of their choice, but also prevents the government from officially recognizing or favoring any religion.

    One other thing:

 This ban, and I’m surprised no one’s mentioned it, is the Civil Rights and Liberties of an individual and by enacting this terrible ban you are taking it away from each one of these peoples. As FDR so casually wrote:

Civil liberties are important because they guard the rights and freedom of citizens of the United States. Franklin D. Roosevelt states in papers held at George Washington University that people must preserve civil liberties in order to preserve democracy

Civil liberties protect personal freedoms. For instance, the freedom of speech allows citizens to express themselves without fear of interference. Freedom of the press falls in line with this, as well as freedom of religion and freedom of assembly.

Other liberties include those that deal with crime and due process of the law. These liberties are important because they protect innocent people during prosecution. These rights include people being innocent until they are proven guilty, the right for legal counsel and the right to be tried by a jury.

Meanwhile, Civil Rights:

Civil rights are protective measures enacted by the government to ensure that all citizens are treated equally, while civil liberties limit a government’s infringement upon the rights of its citizens, explains the Independence Hall Association. The Bill of Rights outlines civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, but civil rights are often defined by social movements and dilemmas. In particular, civil rights are often aimed at protecting minority groups from being discriminated against.



Civil rights issues typically arise when the government creates laws to balance majority and minority interests, according to the Independence Hall Association. For instance, the 14th Amendment was added to prevent state legislatures from disenfranchising racial minority groups or denying them access to a fair legal process. Other civil-rights legislature protects women from gender discrimination. Yet, civil rights can mirror or contradict civil liberties, often requiring a court to weigh the perceived freedoms of one party against another.

So, in essence, the law speaks for itself and unless you can prove that a crime was committed, this Muslim Ban is illegal and unconstitutional no matter what you say,or how it’s written and unlike Mr. Trump, I have evidence to backup my claims.

Being a President, you must know the laws and we have a Constitution for a reason. This is why the majority of past Presidents were lawyers before they became one.

Sadly, Mr.Trump does not know anything about our country. He is not fit to be President. He is a pathological liar, not living in reality, delusional, paranoid not to mention a racist, bigot and and egotistical narcissist.

I am aware that writing these articles people will call me stupid, a fool, ignorant or some angry liberal  and that’s okay because the only ones saying these are the brainwashed Trump supporters who bought into his propaganda but that’ what is great about Democracy . We can think for ourselves, have an open mind and do what’s right and by writing this, I am doing the right thing because someone needs to publish the truth and the facts because if we don’t then everything this country was founded upon will crumble to something else. Something we may never be able to get out of.